Monday it was my Monday to drive and I worked on blog post catchup while I waited. I had to take a nap after we got home because I was so tired, though it wasn’t as long as I’d have liked.

Afterwards, I cut more leather for buckets and pockets. I ran out of leather, so I placed an order for more leather for the pockets and buckets as well as leather for more foraging straps and the hardware I need for the foraging straps. One thing I noticed about the strap cutter is that it doesn’t do as good a job on wider strips if the leather is thinner, like what I use for my buckets. I may have to go back to cutting the 2″ strips for buckets by hand and just use the strap cutter for the 1″ strips, which it didn’t have any problems with.

During Scouts that evening I finally emailed my contest winners and worked on this week’s blog post and email. I need to polish the blog post and finish the email still, but I’m close to being on track with them.

Tuesday I tried to nap during seminary, because I’ve been so tired, but it didn’t happen, so apparently I’m not as tired as I thought I was? Degrees of tired are hard to differentiate and classify.

We’d planned on virtual music lessons, but our teacher and her husband got covid at a family wedding over the weekend and she wasn’t feeling up to it, so no lessons.

I was supposed to get going on buckets and pockets, but I got sidetracked finishing up my blog post catchup. Since I’d started it, I wanted to finish it and not have to worry about it till the next time I play catch up. Not strictly necessary, but it’s one less thing on my mind, so there’s that.

Then I folded canvas in preparation for sewing buckets and pockets.

Wednesday I had planned on taking Max for a walk or run, but I was just too tired. It’s weird- I can tell that my medication is working during the day, so the daytime sleepiness is much less of an issue than in the past. However, I’m still really struggling to get enough sleep at night, so I’m tired from not enough sleep, which feels different than the daytime sleepiness that’s part of my narcolepsy. It’s hard to describe, but I realized that there is a difference.

During my accountability call I finished folding the canvas for the buckets and pockets I need to sew (multi-tasking for the win!), then took Sunshine to get her flu shot.

Thursday I used the time while I waited for the kids to get out of seminary to try to get a post finished for my shop site. I want to embed a disclaimer at the top of each post so I don’t have to copy/paste every time, but I could not find a way to do it. I was able to do it on my travel blog, which is a wordpress site, which is for blogs first and stores second. My shop site is a Shopify site, which is for stores first, blogs second, and it shows. It’s annoying, since I ended up spending almost the entire time trying different things that didn’t work, instead of finishing the post and getting it live and my email ready to sent (which was also on my to-do list).

A massive headache had me in bed all morning after we got home. It let up a bit mid afternoon, but didn’t go away completely.

I had planned to sew pockets and buckets, but what time I did spend working was spent tightening up my post, adding affiliate links, making the images to add and the pins to use, etc. It was slow going, especially since it’s been awhile since I’ve done all this and the lingering headache didn’t help.

Friday our music teacher was feeling better, so we did our music lessons online in the afternoon before heading to karate in the evening. I also worked on buckets and pockets.

Saturday wasn’t a super productive day, though I was able to work some more on the buckets and pockets.

Weekly Mileage 

total0.0 miles0.0 hours

2022 totals

66.5 outside hours
73.94 miles

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