Monday the local schools were out, so there was no seminary, so we slept in, though I wasn’t able to sleep in as late as I’d hoped, especially since I didn’t sleep well that night. As a result, it was not a very productive day.

Tuesday was back to our usual schedule of early morning wakeup for seminary, music lessons, grocery shopping, etc. Instead of one karate class, we did two, since we still need to make up our attendance. It was good practice (and review in the beginners class), but it was a bit too much to do two in a row. We were all tired by the end.

I started taking an extra dose of my narcolepsy meds after lunch a few days ago but haven’t decided yet if there’s a noticeable difference or not.

Wednesday morning the temps were in the 40s + I had a sore throat and lung congestion + we did two karate classes the night before = a walk with Max instead of a run. I felt it was better to be safe than sorry when it comes to whether I’m sick and have energy to do stuff.

Later that day I had the ultrasound on the lump in my arm. It was super hard to see on the ultrasound, which is good, since a lipoma is a fatty mass in the fatty layer under the skin. The tech was surprised at how hard it was to see to measure, given how obvious it is when palpating it. My doctor called with the results and she recommended getting an MRI, which we’d discussed at my appointment. She was hesitant because of the cost (co-pays on MRIs tend to be on the pricey side), but since the lump appeared suddenly, she’s still concerned about it being a sarco-lipoma. Apparently lipomas usually appear gradually, and since I didn’t notice mine until it was fully formed, she wants to make sure that it’s not cancerous, since they do grow rapidly.

She did give me the option to wait a couple weeks to see if it would go away or change, and then do the MRI based on what it does, but for peace of mind I decided to get the MRI as soon as possible. I’d rather know for sure what is going on with it, and if it should be cancerous, there’s no benefit to waiting.

Thursday I was definitely sicker. The lung congestion was worse and my voice was basically shot. I stayed in bed most of the day, then practiced karate and went to class with everyone. It was testing week and I got both my stripes the first try. By the end of the class we all had our testing stripes, except River and Ocean each needing one more. I normally wouldn’t have gone to class while sick, but we’re short on class days left, so I wore a mask and went.

Friday I was feeling worse, so I spent the day in bed again. I skipped class, but Jeremy took the boys, who both got their missing testing stripes. We still have a week before graduation, so this is the earliest we’ve all passed our tests- no last minute, night before graduation, still trying to get Ocean his last testing stripe. Much less stressful. We still have to finish our attendance stripes, but that’s doable.

Saturday was General Conference and drill. Drill was virtual, which was nice, in that Jeremy was home, only he was only sometimes available, which was kind of annoying. Mostly because I spent the weekend feeling crummy and laying in bed, except during the sessions, and I wasn’t really up to taking care of things around the house.

Ocean finally managed to do a little better during conference, though he still struggled. Sitting quietly and still is a huge challenge for him, and while he did struggle on Sunday, he actually did pretty well on Saturday. I’m guessing he used up all his ability to sit mostly still on Saturday and didn’t have any left on Sunday. We’ll need to adjust expectations in the spring so that he’s more quiet and still on Sunday.

Weekly Mileage 

total1.80 miles1.0 hours

2022 totals

66.5 outside hours
73.94 miles

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