Monday I got up and paid bills, then did the grocery shopping. I had a number of stops to make, but they didn’t leave me wiped out exhausted, just tired. I also did some much needed decluttering of surfaces in the kitchen and living room. Jeremy and the kids tend to pile things up on whatever available surface is nearest and it’s been bugging me for awhile, but I didn’t have the energy to deal with it. Those surfaces still need to be wiped down, but at least they’re not stacked high with board games (a cupboard in the living room) or papers and random items (a cupboard in the kitchen).
I worked on my blog post catchup a bit more before making dinner and taking Sunshine to Scouts. They had their final meeting to discuss SeaBase (they need to be at their airport at 4:15am Monday morning 😳 I’m so glad we live only a few minutes away, but it’s still going to suck) and we made sure the paperwork was all in order.
After I got the boys to bed I actually had energy still, so I worked on a few more blog posts before trying to get to sleep earlier than I have been. I’ve developed some really bad habits with regards to how late I stay up, and I need to fix them asap. On the other hand, I feel like I’ve finally turned the corner in regards to my health. Being functional and actually getting stuff done the last three days has been such a relief.
Tuesday I was tired from doing so much Monday, but I still managed to get a lot done. I took the boys to music lessons then the orthodontist for River’s appointment, ran a couple errands with them, cleared up a bit more clutter in the house, then rested a bit (I was trying to head off a headache that wanted to become a migraine), practiced karate with the boys before going to karate class. We’re in our last week of the cycle, so we did more review and testing. We’re all done, except Ocean, who still needs to pass his universal. I’m almost caught up on the blog posts- just a couple left. I have lots of stuff on my to-do list, but I’m going to finish catching up first since I haven’t been truly caught up all year- or if I was, it was only once, and only for a week.
Jeremy’s brother and their nephew arrived after 10pm for a few days’ visit.
Wednesday I got up and we dropped the Subaru off for an oil change and tire rotation. I’d put my running clothes on before we dropped off the car so I’d be able to get out of the house quicker, but Max immediately recognized my running clothes and was very distressed that I left without her. I’d pulled out her water bottle, harness, and leash and left them on the counter, hoping that would indicate that I was coming back for her, but she still stared out the kitchen door window accusingly as I left without her.
After dropping off the Subaru, I went home to pick up Max and River, then took them for a trail run before stopping at Petsmart to look for a plastic pet carrier that will fit in the Subaru for our roadtrip next week (our metal wire crate is too large). The three of us enjoyed the easy run. It felt good despite the heat, and since it was an easy run I didn’t feel too winded or wiped out while on the trail.
After my accountability call I was feeling tired, which slowed me down a bit, but it was tiredness from the unfamiliar exercise, which is a much easier tiredness to deal with than the exhaustion I’ve been dealing with. While I tried to work past the tiredness, I finished catching on my blog posts finally.
Then I started workin on figuring out a longer strap for a foraging version of bucket. The longer strap allows for a cross-body hold rather than just holding it in your hand.
Thursday I went to the chiropractor then ran some errands. In the evening we went to karate class, where Jeremy and I turned in our paperwork but Ocean still didn’t pass his universal test.
Friday we did lots of practicing of universal 6 with Ocean throughout the day. At class he finally managed to pass on his 2nd try of the evening. We really need to start practicing with him a lot earlier in the cycle so it’s not coming down to the wire like this. After class Jeremy headed out for a drill weekend followed by his two week annual training.
Saturday morning was graduation, which had a smaller attendance than usual, probably because of the time of year. I think a lot of people were out of town, and if they were waffling about attending, the location probably was a bit of a turn off- it was the non-air conditioned school gym that we’ve used a few times. On a hot and humid August day, the open doors and fans weren’t enough to keep us from turning into sweaty messes.
Ocean and I received one of the instructor’s medals (they each give one or two out at each graduation): Ocean for making a lot of progress this cycle in focus and attention and working so hard on his universal 6, me for helping him practice his universal 6 so much. I think it helped that we spent the time Friday evening when he wasn’t testing, working on our kicks and practicing them over and over.
I laid down when we got home because I was tired from not enough sleep, which is always a problem these days, and the exertion from graduation which left me low on energy. It wasn’t like I have been the last two months, but I definitely do not have my stamina and endurance back yet, so I still tire easily. At least Max left me alone and didn’t disturb my sleep. We brought her bed and blanket upstairs and set them next to my bed since Jeremy’s at drill, and she curled up and stayed there all night. Thankfully she wasn’t walking around on my bed, trying to find a comfy spot, or loudly licking herself. I’ve been woken up on more than one occasion by her doing those things, which is why she usually sleeps with Jeremy, not me.
After church on Sunday Jeremy’s brother and their nephew left to go home. Once they left, I gathered our stuff and packed the boys, Max and I up, and made sure Sunshine was ready to go.
Sunshine had to have a negative test before going to SeaBase, so she took a test in the evening, sent picture proof to the crew leader, then packed an unused test to take another one Monday morning (required before they could actually board the boat). The test Sunday was to hopefully weed out anyone who was sick before they got there, which would cause multiple problems for the group.
Weekly Mileage
Wednesday | 1.56 | 0.5 hours | |
total | 1.56 miles | 0.5 hours | |
2022 totals
51.5 outside hours |
55.0 miles |