I’ve struggled to balance trail runs with karate workouts. I can’t do both on the same day, which is limiting my miles. Injuring my foot didn’t help with my mileage, either. On the other hand, my hip isn’t bothering me anymore, thankfully.
Hours outside
Striking a balance of time outside and time inside for work and schoolwork is a challenge. One that I still haven’t figured out.
Business progress
The 4th quarter was a bit of a bust. My burnout/lack of impetus really interfered with me getting much of anything done. Things started improving towards the end of November, but I still struggled through December. I missed out on Black Friday sales this year, but I’ll hit them next year. My creativity did start returning in November and December.
I did decide to take my course evergreen (students will be able to register and start at any time). It will be a little more work for me (I will be shipping supplies on a regular basis instead of 2 or 3 times a year), but it will be more flexible for my students, which will be better.
Health progress
Physically I was ok, other than the foot injury. Carbs and sugars are still an issue and I always wake up tired. Mentally I really struggled. I’ve tried to determine whether it’s ADHD, burnout, both, or what, but whatever the reason, it had more of an impact on the last few months than I’d have liked.
The boys got their second shots and I got my booster (third shot). Though I think I reacted worse to the booster than to my second shot. I was prepared to feel crummy, but I felt crummy for several days longer with the booster than I did with the second one.